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Vuetify Theme

The Vuetify Theme aims to simplify the creation of client side apps in OrchardCore. Offering vuetify components as widgets, the Vuetify Theme makes it easy to compose rich Material Design pages from the Admin UI.



Field Definition
Border Puts a border on the alert. Accepts top, right, bottom, left.
Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)). You can find list of built in classes on the colors page.
Colored Border Applies the defined color to the alert’s border.
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Dense Hides the alert icon and decreases component’s height.
Dismissible Adds a close icon that can hide the alert.
Elevation Designates an elevation applied to the component between 0 and 24. You can find more information on the elevation page.
Icon Designates a specific icon.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Outlined Makes the background transparent and applies a thin border.
Prominent Displays a larger vertically centered icon to draw more attention.
Shaped Applies a large border radius on the top left and bottom right of the card.
Text Applies the defined color to text and a low opacity background of the same.
Tile Removes the component’s border-radius.
Type Specify a success, info, warning or error alert. Uses the contextual color and has a pre-defined icon.


This widget is best used in the Header zone.

Field Definition
Absolute Applies position: absolute to the component.
Background Image Adds an image to the app-bar background
Bottom Aligns the component towards the bottom.
Collapse Puts the toolbar into a collapsed state reducing its maximum width.
Collapse On Scroll Puts the app-bar into a collapsed state when scrolling.
Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)). You can find list of built in classes on the colors page.
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Dense Reduces the height of the toolbar content to 48px (96px when using the prominent prop).
Elevate On Scroll Elevates the app-bar when scrolling.
Elevation Designates an elevation applied to the component between 0 and 24. You can find more information on the elevation page.
Extended Use this prop to increase the height of the toolbar without using the extension slot for adding content. May be used in conjunction with the extension-height prop, and any of the other props that affect the height of the toolbar, e.g. prominent, dense, etc., WITH THE EXCEPTION of height.
Extension Height Specify an explicit height for the extension slot.
Fade Image On Scroll When using the src prop or img slot, will fade the image when scrolling.
Fixed Applies position: fixed to the component.
Flat Removes the toolbar’s box-shadow.
Floating Applies display: inline-flex to the component.
Height Designates a specific height for the toolbar. Overrides the heights imposed by other props, e.g. prominent, dense, extended, etc.
Hide On Scroll Hides the app-bar when scrolling. Will still show the extension slot.
Inverted Scroll Hides the app-bar when scrolling down and displays it when scrolling up.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Outlined Makes the background transparent and applies a thin border.
Prominent Increases the height of the toolbar content to 128px.
Scroll Off Screen Hides the app-bar when scrolling. Will NOT show the extension slot.
Scroll Threshold The amount of scroll distance down before hide-on-scroll activates.
Shaped Applies a large border radius on the top left and bottom right of the app-bar.
Short Reduce the height of the toolbar content to 56px (112px when using the prominent prop).
Shrink On Scroll Shrinks a prominent toolbar to a dense or short (default) one when scrolling.
Tile Removes the component’s border-radius.
Width Sets the width for the component.


Field Definition
Title Applies a header to the card.
Subtitle Applies a subheader to the card.
Content Allows free-form HTML.
Actions Call-to-action buttons for the card.


Field Definition
Align Self Applies the align-items css property. Available options are start, center, end, auto, baseline and stretch.
Cols [Breakpoint] Sets the default number of columns the component extends. Available options are 1 -> 12 and auto.
Offset [Breakpoint] Sets the default offset for the column.
Order [Breakpoint] Sets the default order for the column.
Flow Any number of widgets can be added to the component.


Field Definition
Fluid Removes viewport maximum-width size breakpoints.
Flow Any number of VRows can be added to the component


Field Definition
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Inset Adds indentation (72px) for normal dividers, reduces max height for vertical.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Vertical Displays dividers vertically


Field Definition
Header Sets the expansion-panel header.
Flow Any number of widgets can be added to the component.


Field Definition
Accordion Removes the margin around open panels.
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Disabled Disables the entire expansion-panel.
Flat Removes the expansion-panel’s elevation and borders.
Focusable Makes the expansion-panel headers focusable.
Inset Makes the expansion-panel open with a inset style.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Mandatory Forces a value to always be selected (if available).
Multiple Allow multiple selections.
Popout Makes the expansion-panel open with an popout style.
Read-Only Makes the entire expansion-panel read only.
Tile Removes the border-radius.
Flow Any number of VExpansionPanels can be added to the component


This widget is best used in the Footer zone.

Field Definition
Absolute Applies position: absolute to the component.
App Designates the component as part of the application layout. Used for dynamically adjusting content sizing. Components using this prop should reside outside of v-main component to function properly. You can find more information about layouts on the application page. Note: this prop automatically applies position: fixed to the layout element.
Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)). You can find list of built in classes on the colors page.
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Elevation Designates an elevation applied to the component between 0 and 24. You can find more information on the elevation page.
Fixed Applies position: fixed to the component.
Height Designates a specific height for the component.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Outlined Makes the background transparent and applies a thin border.
Rounded Designates the border-radius applied to the component. You can find more information on the Border Radius page.
Padless Remove all padding from the footer.
Shaped Applies a large border radius on the top left and bottom right of the footer.
Tile Removes the component’s border-radius.
Width Sets the width for the component.


Field Definition
Alternate Text Alternate text for screen readers. Leave empty for decorative images.
Aspect Ratio Calculated as width/height, so for a 1920x1080px image this will be 1.7778. Will be calculated automatically if omitted.
Contain Prevents the image from being cropped if it doesn’t fit.
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Eager Will force the components content to render on mounted. This is useful if you have content that will not be rendered in the DOM that you want crawled for SEO.
Gradient Overlays a gradient onto the image. Only supports linear-gradient syntax, anything else should be done with classes (see examples).
Height Sets the height for the component.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Source The image. This field is mandatory.
Width Sets the width for the component.


Field Definition
Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)).
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Dense Lowers max height of list tiles.
Disabled Disables all children v-list-item components
Elevation Designates an elevation applied to the component between 0 and 24.
Expand Will only collapse when explicitly closed
Flat Remove the highlighted background on active v-list-items
Height Sets the height for the component.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Nav An alternative styling that reduces v-list-item width and rounds the corners.
Outlines Removes elevation (box-shadow) and adds a thin border.
Rounded Rounds the v-list-item edges.
Shaped Provides an alternative active style for v-list-item.
Subheader Removes top padding. Used when previous sibling is a header.
Tag Specify a custom tag used on the root element.
Tile Removes the component’s border-radius.
Width Sets the width for the component.


Field Definition
Active-Class Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active.
Color Applies specified color to the control when in an active state or input-value is true - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5))
Exact-Active-Class Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active with exact match.
Href Designates the component as anchor and applies the href attribute.
Icon Name Designates a specific icon.
Input-Value Controls the active state of the item. This is typically used to highlight the component.
Target Designates the target attribute. This should only be applied when using the href prop.
To Denotes the target route of the link.


This widget is best used in the Navigation Drawer zone.

Field Definition
Absolute Applies position: absolute to the component.
Background Image Adds an image to the navigation-drawer background
Bottom Expands from the bottom of the screen on mobile devices.
Clipped A clipped drawer rests under the application toolbar.
Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)). You can find list of built in classes on the colors page.
Disable Resize Watcher Will automatically open/close drawer when resized depending if mobile or desktop.
Disable Route Watcher Disables opening of navigation drawer when route changes.
Expand On Hover Collapses the drawer to a mini-variant until hovering with the mouse.
Floating A floating drawer has no visible container (no border-right).
Height Sets the height of the navigation drawer.
Hide Overlay Hides the display of the overlay.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Mini Condenses navigation drawer width, also accepts the .sync modifier. With this, the drawer will re-open when clicking it.
Mini Variant Width Designates the width assigned when the mini prop is turned on.
Mobile Breakpoint Sets the designated mobile breakpoint for the component. This will apply alternate styles for mobile devices such as the temporary prop, or activate the bottom prop when the breakpoint value is met. Setting the value to 0 will disable this functionality.
Overlay Color Sets the overlay color.
Overlay Opacity Sets the overlay opacity.
Permanent The drawer remains visible regardless of screen size.
Right Places the navigation drawer on the right.
Stateless Remove all automated state functionality (resize, mobile, route) and manually control the drawer state.
Temporary A temporary drawer sits above its application and uses a scrim (overlay) to darken the background.
Touchless Disable mobile touch functionality.
Width Sets the width for the component.


Field Definition
Align [Breakpoint] Applies the align-items css property. Available options are start, center, end, baseline and stretch.
Align Content [Breakpoint] Applies the align-content css property. Available options are start, center, end, space-between, space-around and stretch.
Dense Reduces the gutter between VCols.
Justify [Breakpoint] Applies the justify-content css property. Available options are start, center, end, space-between and space-around.
No Gutter Removes the gutter between VCols.
Flow Any number of VCols can be added to the component.


Field Definition
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Inset Adds indentation (72px)
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.


Field Definition
Align-Top Align caret and dot of timeline items to the top.
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Dense Hide opposite slot content, and position all items to one side of timeline.
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Reverse Reverse direction of timeline items.


Field Definition
Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)).
Dark Applies the dark theme variant to the component.
Icon Specify icon for dot container
Icon-Color Applies specified color to the control - it can be the name of material color (for example success or purple) or css color (#033 or rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)).
Fill-Dot Remove padding from dot container
Hide-Dot Hide display of timeline dot
Large Large size dot
Left Explicitly set the item to a left orientation
Light Applies the light theme variant to the component.
Right Explicitly set the item to a right orientation.
Small Small size dot.


A collection of shortcodes are available as a recipe for the vuetify theme.

The container, row, col and divider shortcodes are available if you execute the Vuetify Grid System Shortcodes recipe.

Last update: July 5, 2021