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The blob-csi system is the replacement system for the minio storage solution in AAW.

In order to provide AAW users with access to Azure storage containers, we deploy a storage solution consisting of the following components:

Feature Implementation

The blob-csi system allows users to gain access to Azure container storage at unclassified and protected-b classification levels. Currently, users can mount volumes manually as data-volumes in AAW's Kubeflow notebook creation workflow, but eventually auto-mounting of volumes will be supported.

Note that the figures depicted below are representative of the AAW development Kubernetes cluster. However; the implementation in production is near identical, with the only difference being the use of the word dev being replaced with prod throughout the resources.

The data flow for how a kubeflow notebook will connect to backing storage at a high level is provided below.

blob-csi / High level user workflow

In short, users request a data volume for use within their kubeflow notebook, the blob-csi-driver runs a csi-controller pod on each node in the cluster, and each csi-controller pod mounts any volumes requested.

The blob-csi.go Kubernetes Controller

The blob-csi.go kubernetes controller is responsible for the creation of PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim and azure storage containers per user namespace in AAW. The permissions lists are managed by Fair Data Infrastructure team (FDI).

AAW default volumes are configured here and any change to the name field will result in the deletion and re-creation of PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim resources to reconcile the change. There are two possible classifications for volumes: unclassified and protected-b. Notice that the unclassified-ro classification is protected-b. This is so that users can view unclassified data within a protected-b pod (volume classifications are enforced by Gatekeeper upon creation of a notebook).

In order for the controller to determine which PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims to create for FDI containers, the controller queries unclassified and protected-b via a K8s ConfigMap in, recieving a .json formatted response. An example of the expected .json formatted response:

fdi-unclassified-internal.json: |
                "bucketName": "aaw-pv-internal-un-testing",
                "pvName":     "test-iunc",
                "subfolder":  "",
                "readers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "writers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "spn":        "pv-internal-unclassified-dev-sp"
fdi-protected-b-internal.json: |
                "bucketName": "aaw-pv-internal-pb-testing",
                "pvName":     "test-iprotb",
                "subfolder":  "",
                "readers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "writers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "spn": "pv-internal-protected-b-dev-sp"
fdi-protected-b-external.json: |
                "bucketName": "aaw-pv-external-pb-testing",
                "pvName":     "test-eprotb",
                "subfolder":  "",
                "readers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "writers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "spn": "pv-external-protected-b-dev-sp"
fdi-unclassified-external.json: |
                "bucketName": "aaw-pv-external-un-testing",
                "pvName":     "test-eunc",
                "subfolder":  "",
                "readers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "writers":    ["alice, bob"],
                "spn":        "pv-external-unclassified-dev-sp"

In the above example, the controller would provision a PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim for both alice and bob, however alice would have ReadOnlyMany permissions, and bob would have ReadWriteMany permissions. There is also an option to mount subfolders to a user's container. bucketName is the name of the container created in the storage account. pvName is the pre-fix of the volume in the format of projectName-internal/external-unclassified/protected

For every FDI project container request there needs to be a Service Principal created. AAW will create an App Registration via Cloud Jira (Operational Support). AAW will also create the client secret in the azure-blob-csi-system ns via Terraform in using appropriate naming convention SPN + "-secret"

FDI Common Storage has 4 storage accounts: DEV - stndmfdidpb01sa (external protected-b) - stndmfdidun01sa (external unclassified) - stndmfdiipb01sa (internal protected-b) - stndmfdiiun01sa (internal unclassified)

PROD - stpdmfdidpb01sa (external protected-b) - stpdmfdidun01sa (external unclassified) - stpdmfdiipb01sa (internal protected-b) - stpdmfdiiun01sa (internal unclassified) External users should not have access to mount/view internal volumes to their notebooks.

The Kubeflow Access Management component has been modified to prevent non-statcan domain users from being added to Profiles which have internal designated volumes. If external users are required to be present in such scenario, the external volumes should be used instead.

How to create a new FDI container?

  1. AAW submits a Cloud JIRA (Cloud Operations) to create a new App Registration with the appropriate naming convention (aaw-PROJECTACRONYM-prod-sp) A new Service Principal is only required if this is for a new project. If an existing project requires an additional volume, the existing Service Prinicpal can be used.
  2. Request FDI to create the container in the appropriate Azure Storage account (internal/external - unclassified/protected-b). FDI will add the SP to the container's ACL.
  3. AAW must create the client id and client secret for the Service Prinicpal and persist it as a Kubernetes Secret in the It creates the client id as a secret in the daaas-system namespace and the client secret in the azure-blob-csi-system namespace.
  4. AAW will then update the fdi-aaw-configuration config map in BucketName is the name of the container created in the storage account. pvName is the name of the persistentVolume. Following naming convention of: ProjectName-iunc (internal unclassified), ProjectName-eprotb (external protected-b) readers/writers namespaces who require access to the volumes spn name of the Service Principal that was created through the Cloud JIRA subfolder if a project requires sub-folder mounting then this folder must be created before provisioning the volumes. If sub-folder is not required, leave the name as empty string
  5. AAW will add the SP to the appropriate AD Group. Depending on the container created and environment the SP will be added to either: AAW-PROD-External-Unclassified-SPs, AAW-PROD-Internal-Unclassified-SPs, AAW-PROD-External-Protected-B-SPs, AAW-PROD-Internal-Unclassified-SPs Note: For debugging there are test containers created in all Prod and Dev storage accounts for future development and testing.

Architecture Design

For more context on the blob-csi system as a whole (from deployment of infrastructure to azure containers), see the attached diagram below. In addition, refer to the below legend for line types and colours.

  • Line types:
  • Solid lines follow the paths of the deployment or provisioning of resources.
  • Dashed lines outline the paths for connectivity.
  • Line Colours:
  • Navy blue lines are used for edges connecting nodes within the kubernetes cluster.
  • Light green lines are assiciated with kubeflow from a users perspective.
  • Yellow lines are associated with argocd.
  • Purple lines are associated with terraform.
  • Light blue lines are associated with edges that connect from nodes anywhere in the diagram to an azure resource.

blob-csi / System Architecture