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The platform uses Gitea for multitenant (per-namespace) source control. Each namespace that opts-in for source control gets its own dedicated Gitea instances - one for unclassified data, and one for protected-b data.

Add Gitea Deployment to Kubeflow Profile

We have created an addGitea jsonnet function in the aaw-kubeflow-profiles repository. See this aaw-kubeflow-profiles example for how to add Gitea to a Kubeflow profile.

Feature Deployment

Per-namespace Gitea is handled through the aaw-kubeflow-profiles-controller repository; see the of this repository for documentation about how the aaw-kubeflow-profiles-controller is updated and deployed.

Responsible for deploying gitea as argocd applications per Profile. Currently, argocd applications are deployed by the gitea controller based on the customized gitea manifest found here.

The diagram below highlights the key components involved with the Gitea controller.

gitea controller

Infrastructure Deployment

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