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Contact DAS Customer Success Team

For business and onboarding inquiries, or to receive technical support:

Internal - Statistics Canada Employees

How to submit a technical request or report a problem For technical support please submit a ticket via Jira:

  1. Open Statistics Canada Jira software: DAS Support (DASSR)
  2. From the Menu Bar, select the button Create: jira_create
  3. In the Jira Create Issue Window, Select the Issue Type = Client Support: jira_issue
  4. In the Jira Create Issue window, enter the information related to your request:
    • Summary (mandatory): Type a short summary definition of you request
    • Assignee (mandatory): Select “automatic”
    • Component (mandatory): Select “GAE”
    • Description (mandatory): Type a detailed description of your request.
    • Attachment (optional): Supporting documentation relating to your request (ex: screen caps of errors)

DAS Support will complete the rest of information in the jira ticket if necessary. You will receive updates about the ticket via email.

More DAS Contacts: