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QGIS Static Maps

In QGIS, you can also generate static maps by exporting the current view or layout to various image formats. This allows you to capture and save a snapshot of your map without interactive functionality. Here's how you can create maps in QGIS:

View-based static maps
  1. Adjust the desired extent, zoom level, and map layers in the QGIS map canvas.
  2. Go to the "Project" menu and select "Save as Image" or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S.
  3. Choose the image format (e.g., PNG, JPEG) and specify the output location and file name.
  4. Set additional options like resolution, image size, and background color if needed.
  5. Click "Save" to generate the static map based on the current view.
Layout-based static maps
  1. Switch to the "Layout" view in QGIS.
  2. Design and arrange the map elements, such as title, legend, and scale bar, within the layout.
  3. Go to the "Layout" menu and select "Export as Image" or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+E.
  4. Specify the image format, output location, and file name.
  5. Configure additional settings like resolution, image size, and background color if desired.
  6. Click "Export" to create the static map based on the configured layout.
Map Styling and Symbology
  1. Select the layer you want to style in the "Layers" panel.
  2. Right-click on the layer and choose "Properties" to open the layer properties window.
  3. In the "Symbology" tab, choose different symbolization methods based on your data type, such as categorized, graduated, or rule-based symbology.
  4. Customize the symbology settings according to your preferences. Change colors, sizes, line styles, and other visual properties to represent your data effectively.
  5. Apply any additional styling options, such as label placement, transparency, or blending modes.
  6. Preview and review the styled map to ensure it meets your requirements.
  7. Save the styled map or apply it to a layout for printing or further analysis.