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R-Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps in R.

R Shiny App Hosting

We currently do not support hosting R Shiny apps but you are able to create them. We want to enable R Shiny app hosting in the future.

Shiny Homepage

R Shiny

Publish Professional Quality Graphics


R Shiny is an open source web application framework that allows data scientists and analysts to create interactive, web-based dashboards and data visualizations using the R programming language. One of the main advantages of R Shiny is that it offers a straightforward way to create high-quality, interactive dashboards without the need for extensive web development expertise. With R Shiny, data scientists can leverage their R coding skills to create dynamic, data-driven web applications that can be shared easily with stakeholders.

Another advantage of R Shiny is that it supports a variety of data visualizations that can be easily customized to meet the needs of the project. Users can create a wide range of charts and graphs, from simple bar charts and scatter plots to more complex heatmaps and network graphs. Additionally, R Shiny supports a variety of interactive widgets that allow users to manipulate and explore data in real-time.

R Shiny Server

R Shiny is also highly extensible and can be integrated with other open source tools and platforms to build end-to-end data science workflows. With its powerful and flexible features, R Shiny is a popular choice for building data visualization dashboards for a wide range of applications, from scientific research to business analytics. Overall, R Shiny offers a powerful, customizable, and cost-effective solution for creating interactive dashboards and data visualizations.

Use R-Shiny to build interactive web apps straight from R. You can deploy your R Shiny dashboard by submitting a pull request to our R-Dashboards GitHub repository.

R Shiny UI Editor

The following Rscript installs the required packages to run shinyuieditor on the AAW. It starts with installing the necessary R packages and uses conda to install yarn.

Once the installation has finished you can access your app's code in ./my-app

Run this script from inside rstudio. RStudio may ask for permission to open a new window if you have a popup blocker.

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

#' Install necessary packages

#' Was not installing when installing in the above

#' This installs shinyuieditor from Github
remotes::install_github("rstudio/shinyuieditor", upgrade = F)

#' We need yarn so we'll install it with conda
system("conda install yarn", wait = T)

#' This clones shinyuieditor and a sample app from Github
system("git clone", wait = T)

#' Copy the app from vignettes to our current working directory
system("cp -R ./shinyuieditor/vignettes/demo-app/ ./my-app")

#' Set the current working directory to the app's root directory

#' Yarn will set up our project
system("yarn install", wait = T)

#' Load and launch shinyuieditor
shinyuieditor::launch_editor(app_loc = "./")

Choose an App Template

The first thing you'll see is the template chooser. There are three options as of this writing (shinyuieditor is currently in alpha).

Shiny ui Editor Template

Single or Multi File Mode

I recommend Multi file mode, this will put the back-end code in a file called server.R and front-end in a file called ui.R.

Generate app multi file mode

Design Your App

You can design your app with either code or the graphical user interface. Try designing the layout with the GUI and designing the plots with code.

App design example

Any changes you make in shinyuieditor will appear immediately in the code.

Panel text example

Any change you make in the code will immediately appear in the shinyuieditor.


Publishing on the AAW

Just send a pull request!

All you have to do is send a pull request to our R-Dashboards repository. Include your repository in a folder with the name you want (for example, "air-quality-dashboard"). Then we will approve it and it will come online.

If you need extra R libraries to be installed, send your list to the R-Shiny repository by creating a GitHub Issue and we will add the dependencies.

Example Dashboard

See the above dashboard here

The above dashboard is in GitHub. Take a look at the source).

Once you've got the basics ...

Embedding dashboards into your websites

Embedding dashboards in other sites

We have not had a chance to look at this or prototype it yet, but if you have a use-case, feel free to reach out to engineering. We will work with you to figure something out.